Sunday, September 16, 2012

Our "peculiar" family

We have been having a lot of things happen in our lives. We are trying to stay positive. Tom is moving to a new company with the same job. It is just a transition to help hurting companies that are working on the same project but need workers. He will be doing the same thing just at the same pay so that is helpful. He is now a HAM radio operator. He loves it but would love it even more if we could afford the actual set up for him to get on it. Kristianne is doing so much better then she was just a few short weeks ago. She was hurting because she wasn't with her same friends anymore and it was difficult for her to open up to make new ones. Luckily, her art did it for her. She has become quite talented. I keep telling her that she should keep all of her sketches in a book so that she will always have it. We were talking to her Beehive leader at church today and found out that she has finished one of her Young Women projects for personal progress. She said that she just does it for fun. I am so proud of her. She is now babysitting more for me and is doing really well at it. I know that I will always worry that she is leaving behind her childhood but it is something that she has chosen to do. Another thing interesting in her life is that the missionaries in our ward challenaged her to take a Book of Mormon to school with her and read it when ever she has the time. They called it being peculiar. She is doing every day. I think she enjoys being peculiar. Noah is also doing so well. He is so social at school. He had no problem finding friends and fitting right in. One day when I was volunteering at his school he didn't want me anywhere near him because I was embarrassing to him. It hurts that he did want me to hug him but I completely understand. I don't know if my parents were at all cool at his age. Sorry mom and dad. He did try something this last week that was out of his comfort zone. He through is hat in the political ring. He ran for Student Council Treasurer. He had to give a speech in front of all of the 5th and 4th graders at his school. Then he waited for votes to be tallied. He wasn't elected and he was actually really upset. He said "I really wanted it. I feel upset but I'm not done. I'm running for classroom representative." I couldn't be happier or prouder of him. Yes I know the grammer is awful but it is how I feel. Jonah is learning a lot in his 1st grade class. I have been volunteering more in his classroom. His teacher is awesome. I am really happy with both of the boys teachers. He is reading as well as a 1st grader that is about 2 months from the end of the year. I hope he keeps up his love of reading. He was just alittle bit upset that he couldn't vote for his brother. It was only the 4th and 5th graders. He said that he would convinced all of his friends to vote for him. He is quite the ladies man in class. There is a little girl in his class that loves to be around him. The funny thing is that they are in the same primary class too. As for me, I am trying to get involved with the ward and area. I love the city of Temecula. I hope that we are here for a while because it would be hard to leave. We have an amazing ward that never makes you feel wierd for being the new ones in the ward. Our calling in primary is going really well. We have the primary program coming up next sunday on the 23rd. I had to bribe my kids to sing, sit reverent and say their parts really well. I said that I would make them cookies on the sunday after General Conference. I'm hoping that they will keep their end of the bargain. This has gone on more than I was planning. I hope you forgive the ramblings of a mom but I need to keep the rest of my family up to date. p.s. Giulia I need permission to your new blog. Please.?.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

fun in temecula

Well we are now getting ready for school to begin. Kristianne has her 7th grade class schedule and both Noah and Jonah know who their teachers are. Noah has Mr. Bantle and Jonah has Mrs. Bentley. I think that this will be a wonderful year for each of them. I will post first day of school pictures hopefully. Just a little about myself this time. I'm getting braver when it comes to cooking. I made waffles from scratch for the kids one morning. Jonah has discovered biscuits and gravy. I got really brave and make homemade baking powder biscuits. They were really good. Now today I think I have gone crazy. I decided that today would be a good day to try and make cheesy scalloped potatoes for the first time. They smell so good. They look really good and I'm really excited to see what the family thinks of them. Another fun thing from today. About 8 this morning our power went out. I was in the shower and was very grateful that our bathroom has a window so that I could finish taking my shower. We went to church and I prayed that the power would be restored soon. As I was in Sacrament Meeting I felt that I should say a prayer and I did. Just a quiet one that all would be well when we came home and the power would be back on. I feel so blessed that the Lord heard my simple and silly prayer. The power was restored sometime while we were in church this morning. I have been thinking alot about how grateful that I feel toward my Savior for the blessings that he gives me. I have a husband that loves me and wants to make sure that we are all taken care of. I have a daughter that is growing up so well. She wants to be such a good girl and she is so good. Sometimes I wonder why I was blessed with her in my life and then we get laughing and I remember. I needed her to be my child as well as a friend. I know that her teenage years are still looming but I hope that she always knows that I'm here for her and that I love her. I have Noah. What a blessing he is. At times he makes me so crazy. I want to scream but then I remember that he does have some of the traits in me that drive me crazy. I have Jonah. He is a dreamer. I would love sometimes for him to stay on the ground and stay focused but he won't right now. I am glad that someone still finds their dreams so amazing. I only pray that as we grow together as a family we will be understanding of each others individuality. It makes me crazy sometimes but it is just the way of being human. Thanks for listening to my rantings.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, 2012

Well it has been a wonderful week. Today is Pioneer day and as a family we are going to go to a picnic for our ward tonight. I have also been told that I have mastered making Disappearing Bars. Noah loves them and I made them for the second time today. I think they will be even better then the first time I made them which was last week. I have tried before but they never came out right. Thanks mom for being on Skype with me for an hour making sure that I was doing it right. Noah said that this time looks even better then the last time I tried. We are loving our calling. We have the kids in primary that are being baptized this year. In fact on the 4th of August we are attending one of our kids' baptism. We are getting them to love us and trust us. It is really easy for Tom, he is such a big kid that they respond to that fast. I on the other hand have a hard time not being in the reverent mode. I really want them to understand what the gospel is and the love they personally can have from it. Not only are we teaching primary but this Sunday. It is the 29th if anyone wanted to know. We are all speaking. Kristianne is giving a youth talk. Then me and then my husband. I hope that we are all ready by then and are following what the Lord wants us to bring up from our topic. Kristianne's topic is easier, it is Joseph Smith's first vision. I get to speak about Prayer as a Decision maker. I think Tom is speaking on becoming converted. Giving talks is not my favorite thing to do but the Lord has asked though his servant the bishop so I will. I would love to hear from anyone that has skype. We have the computer on alot and I am online all the time. If any of my family would love to talk, we are here. Just so you know. Well that is all for the update. I do need to say that I love the gospel. I am so grateful that I have been blessed to live now so that I can have it in my life. Keep the faith and stay strong.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2012

Well here it is another Sunday evening. I am hoping that all is well with my family out there. Kristianne loved attending the temple and participating in Baptisms for the Dead. I got the chance to attend with her and be there for this special experience. We are still unpacking and trying to stay busy. School starts here on August 15th and the Krisitanne is really looking forward to starting a new chapter in her young life. We do have a new calling and got the chance to teach these kids today. We had one of our kids get baptized tonight so the whole family went to support this young boy. Aric is a special young man. I am really trying to get the next weeks lesson ready. I have started reading the lesson and trying to prepare for these lively seven year old boys and girls. Thanks to all who have been such a support to our family. We couldn't be happier that we are learning to be together again as a family.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11,2012

Well here it is a month and a half since the last post that I made. I am so grateful for the chance that my family is having to be a family again. On June 16th we moved into a house in Temecula, Ca. We are so glad that we are able to be together. I was easier on my kids than I thought that it would be. They are so resilient. Kristianne is already registered for Middle school and will pick up her schedule on August 10th. The boys are still waiting to get their papers turned in. It will be August 1st, when we will finish their registration. We love the ward down here. They are so welcoming and open to new people. The fourth of July we went to the big sports park 5 minutes from our house and watched fireworks. We could have just seen them from our front yard but it was the experience of sitting on the grass or in camping chairs and watching them so close. The only thing that was really wierd was that we all needed coats and blankets. It was so cold. This month is a fun one. We have gotten our Library cards and go to the library at least 2 times a week. We are waiting to get some proof that we are residents and we will be able to attend free swim at the rec center for under 6 dollars for myself and the kids. It is somewhere they love to be in the water. Also this month, Noah is participating in his first Raingutter Regatta for cub scouts. We have made a great boat and are hoping that all goes well with the construction. Kristianne gets to attend the temple for the first time to do baptisms for the dead in the San Diego Temple. I get to go with her and be a parent helper for this trip. I love that this is such a positive move for all of us. I know that Tom has been much happier having all his family together again with him. He is still working lots of hours but has had time to get his HAM radio licence. He is now a Ametuer Radio operator. In an emergency we will be used to help in that area. We are now also in a calling. Both Tom and I have been called to teach the 7 year old primary class. They needed a team to teach it because there is a mild special need child in the class. We are up for the challenge and we are feeling really excited to be part of a ward again. With a calling that is.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The boys

Here is Jonah waiting for Kristianne's promotion to start. He is so proud of her and what she has accomplished. Noah was getting a little bit bored waiting for it to start that he is playing on Grandma's cell phone. He was also so proud of Kristianne. Each of the boys decided that they would wear a tie and dress shirt to the promotion. I am so proud that they would show that much respect to their sister.

Kristianne's Promotion

Here are my wonderful kids do some of their things. I guess it would just be life to some of you but to us it is awesome. Just my not so little girl at her promotion from 6th grade. What a lady she is looking like right now. Here she is after just recieving her certificate and academic achievement award. I am so proud of her. This is after she has sat back in her seat and was realizing that it was over for her at Madison Elementary. I know that as they (the 6th graders) sang the school song she was really emotional. I love her for her realness and the gratitude that she felt toward her teachers.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6,2012

Well we have almost made to the end of school. Tomorrow is going to be Kristianne's last day at elementary. Noah and Jonah have to attend on Friday. Also to all those who need to know. We are officially moving to our own home. Mom and Dad's house will be empty so you all can come and visit. We are moving into a house in Temecula and are really excited. I know that it is really going to be stressful but at the same time we need this. Tomorrow is Kristianne's promotion from 6th grade. I can hardly believe that just 7 years ago she was in kindergarten in Ms. Sawa's class. There are so many teachers at Madison Elementary that have become friends as incredible role models for my children. Pictures will come from promotion and I will try to also get pics from Kristianne's Living Museum. She was all made up as a Egyptian Queen. I love being able to sew and make such simple things for them to do so well in school.

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

Here are some school pictures of the kids. I just thought all would like to see how much they have grown.

Such a young lady. I can hardly believe that she is almost 12 years old. Where did the time go and when did she become such a wonderful young lady?

Noah is turning into such an amazing young man. He only wants to be such a good example to his siblings. Just sometimes he also likes to torment is younger brother to the point of fighting. I just love him so much because he has such a desire to do good.

I can hardly believe that this young man is going to be six in just a week. I remember so much the day he was born. I was so excited to have my second son. Kristianne was just a little bit sad because she really wanted a sister but she has become quite the protector of Jonah.
I am so grateful that I have the gospel in our lives. I know that without the Savior I would never be able to raise such amazing kids. I do get frustrated but I also try to remember that they are only mine on loan.

Enjoy these pictures.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 16, 2012

This was a very busy day. The kids went to school and then we went right to Kristianne's Band Festival. She has been in an honor band for elementary school 6th graders. This is the first time that a 6th grade band has gone to a band festival for this school district. The director asked for just comments and not a score but they all walked out with medals around their necks.
Kristianne was so coming down from her adreniline high that she broke down and cried. 5 minutes later she was just fine. She just needed to let the nerves go and relax just a bit.

The band had to wear white shirts or blouses and black from the waist down. The sweatshirt that she has on is her brothers. She was cold and Noah gave up his coat to keep her warm. I'm so glad that chivalry isn't dead. At least not in his heart.

March 10, 2012

Krsitianne went on her first date. It was a daddy daughter dinner dance for Activity days for girls activity.

She is so grown up. What do I do? Is it time to buy a gun to keep the boys away or just a baseball bat?

If I had had any buttons on my shirt they would have all popped right off.

March 10, 2012

Well it has been far too long since I posted anything. I now have a new computer and can skype with family if they want to. We are starting to look for a place to live. We think that even if we get it before school gets out we will stay here until school gets out so that Kristianne can finish her 6th grade year out with all her friends. We will start moving things in and Tom will live in it until after June 8th.

Tom looks like he is getting a moved to a new department in the same company. It will mean more consistant hours and then he will have weekends off with his family. I know that he likes to be here with us.

Noah is doing really well in both cub scouts and in school. We are half way done with his bear and hopefully we can get it done before we move. It just takes a lot of time from mom to spend with him. He is top in his class for math. I love him and am so proud of him. We had blue and gold dinner and here is a picture of his cake that he made.

Jonah is doing really well in kindergarten. He is reading really well and is starting to do math from 1st grade. Just simple addition and subtraction but he isn't even 6 yet. I don't know why I was chosen to raise such incredible boys. They are always keeping me on my toes.

Kristianne was just invited today at church to attend the Young Women's broadcast next week from salt lake. I will go to the ward building and share this wonderful step in her life. She is growing up way too fast. I remember that little girl that needed me for everything and now she doesn't need me for as much. Wow where has time gone