Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

Here are some school pictures of the kids. I just thought all would like to see how much they have grown.

Such a young lady. I can hardly believe that she is almost 12 years old. Where did the time go and when did she become such a wonderful young lady?

Noah is turning into such an amazing young man. He only wants to be such a good example to his siblings. Just sometimes he also likes to torment is younger brother to the point of fighting. I just love him so much because he has such a desire to do good.

I can hardly believe that this young man is going to be six in just a week. I remember so much the day he was born. I was so excited to have my second son. Kristianne was just a little bit sad because she really wanted a sister but she has become quite the protector of Jonah.
I am so grateful that I have the gospel in our lives. I know that without the Savior I would never be able to raise such amazing kids. I do get frustrated but I also try to remember that they are only mine on loan.

Enjoy these pictures.


Tannis Rogers said...

These are GREAT pictures! Miss and love you guys!

Giulia said...

I vividly remember 2 year old cute. Look at her now! 12 Years old in a week give or take). And what about baby Noah in your belly??? Those are my very first memories at the Rogers' home: my niece trying to say my last name (SO cute!..especially when she finally was able to say nonna Petrollini. Remember?) Then the birth of your Jonah the month before our second young lady feels like a dream how time has gone by. It blows me away.
I love those kids and I love you sis'